Father and son are sitting on a bench. Suddenly a sparrow lands across them.
This short film is amazing and it is a lesson for all of us as well as a reminder to treat our parents with love and respect they deserve.
Father: What is that?
Son: A sparrow
Father: What is that?
Son: I just told you father It's a sparrow.
Father: What is that?
Son: A sparrow father a sparrow. A s-p-a-r-r-o-w!!
Father: What is that?
Son: Why are you doing this.I told you so many times It's a sparrow!! Can't you get it?
Father: (Leaves the seat).........
Son: Where are you going?
Father: Loud...
Son: Today my youngest son who a few days ago turned three was sitting with me at the park when a sparrow sat in front of us.
Son: My son asked me 21 times what it was and I answered all 21 times that it was...
Son: ...a sparrow. I hugged him every single time he asked me the same question.
Son: Again and again... Without getting mad, feeling affection for my innocent little boy.
類似的故事應該很多人都經歷過, 不論是家庭生活,倆性相處...